Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sleepy Squirrel

Sleep deprivation.   Squirrel just started an interrupted sleep pattern, no me likey.  George is teaching me some age-old parenting tips on getting Squirrel to sleep deeper and longer.  George started a night time routine that isn't rigid but follows something like reading, lullaby, oil massage, diaper change, pajamas, feed, lullaby, sleep.  We turned out the lights in the bedroom.  It is a quiet place during bedtime.  No talking.  No more netflix.  I work on the computer in the office and let Squirrel sleep alone until I am ready for bed.  I don't like structure very much, but I do like sleep so it is a trade off.  We will see what I get. 

I have been reading the No Cry Sleep Solution.  I like it because it provides advice that doesn't include letting your baby cry ever, not for a minute.  I can support parents who chose to use the "cry it out" method, I just don't want to do it.  In this book they talk about how the problem might be a parent who likes night wakings.  And, I think she is talking about me.  I cherish watching Squirrel in the middle of the night, sleeping, watching is little chest rise and fall.  I love when he grabs my hand and holds it close to his chest. However the author, advises mothers/parents like me to let go of those night wakings and to focus on keeping that baby asleep in the dark room that remains quiet. 

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