Monday, March 5, 2012


A little over a week ago today Hollis started scooting.  He was really motivated to reach a clear plastic container full of bingo chips, and he made it and the family rejoiced.  I am proud of our little mover.

And now a must admit a little scared.  It seems as though no matter how clean the floor is, how baby-proof the room seems... Hollis finds something terrible to put in his mouth.  Just 5 minutes ago I pulled a long pine needle from his hand? Yesterday it was a twist tie.  The day before...a piece of a post card.   

He loves the washing machine, which like every family with new child, is always going, always agitating always rinsing and extra rinsing all the pee, poop, baby food, and returns from all of our belongings.  Today I sat in a poop on my chair that I somehow didn't notice he had made while I held him on my chair with his diaper on? 

Everyday he grows and moves a little more, it is exciting and frightful this world of parenting.

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